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残 can

Home Pinyin can

残暴 cánbào brutalization

残废 cánfèi crippled; disabled

残骸 cánhái wreckage

残疾 cánjí disabilities; disability

残疾人 cánjí rén disabled

残局 cánjú endgame

残酷 cánkù brutal; brutality; cruel; cruellest; cruelly

残留 cánliú residue; residues

残虐 cánnüè maltreat

残破 cánpò dilapidated

残缺 cánquē incomplete

残忍 cánrěn cruel

残余 cányú remnant; remnants; vestiges

残渣 cánzhā leavings

残株 cánzhū stubble

摧残 cuīcán brutalised; brutalized; devastate

凶残 xiōngcán fierce

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce